Download FULL Movie Collector Pro 15.3.2 (cracked)

Download FULL Movie Collector Pro 15.3.2 (cracked)

Catalog your movies, books, music, comic books and video games. Just enter titles or scan barcodes for automatic item details and cover images. All software solutions (for desktop, online or mobile) come with free CLZ Cloud storage for your collection data. Use the CLZ Cloud storage for online backup, syncing between devices or sharing your collection list with friends. 

Automatically create your own movie database 
Automatically download cast, crew, cover art, movie Descriptions, episode lists and more. Just enter the movie title or scan the barcode on the box. 

Browse, sort and search your movie database 
Browse your movie database in cover flow. Sort lists any way you want. Find movies quickly and easily. Keep track of your collection and wish list. Never buy dupes again. 

Export your database to the mobile app, share it online 
Export your movie collection and wish list to the CLZ Movies app, available for iPhone/iPad & Android. Upload your database online, for easy access & sharing with friends. 

Browse your movie database 
Use Movie Collectors main screen to browse, sort and search your movie database. 

Easily add new movies to your database, by title or by barcode 
Adding new movies to your personal movie database database is quick and easy, just search our central online movie database by title or by barcode and select the movie and/or DVD/Blu-Ray edition you own. 

Cataloging movie files 
Movie Collector can also catalog your movie files. Just let it scan your computer for digital movie files, then link the files to your movies or episode entries. After that, the movies can be played right from your movie details panel. 

CLZ Cloud storage, for online backup, syncing and sharing 
Movie Collector comes with free cloud storage for your collection data, using our own CLZ Cloud service. 

DOWNLOAD LINK (crack included)

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