Download Light Image Resizer Version FULL (cracked)

Download Light Image Resizer Version FULL (cracked)

Light Image Resizer from Obvious Idea (previously known as VSO Image Resizer) is a free tool that organizes your photos by shrinking their resolution or moving them within your hard drive. It is the perfect tool for those who store their digital pictures and images on their PC and who want to resize, compress, convert, create copies, import or organize photos. Light Image Resizer is integrated into the Windows explorer shell, right click on your pictures and start working on your pictures! 
Using this free resize image software, you can create e-mail friendly versions of your images, load them faster, move them easily from folder to folder, change their format, edit large numbers of image files/batch image resize and thus save space on your hard drive. Using high resolution 1600x1200 for creating wallpaper or file-sharing you can save your memory. Light Image Resizer can also change file names using a template and you can add your own watermark with transparency support. 

Key Features: 
new v3 new filters, top quality and new algorithms 
new v3 Smart digital frame transfer assistant, to optimize the digital photo frame experience 
new v3 New resize method seam carving 
new v2 new engine, 2x faster, support multi-core CPU 
new v2 works on file, folder and subfolders 
Configurable compression/resolution ratio 
Support file formats: Jpeg, gif, bmp, tiff etc see more formats 
Support Digital Camera RAW formats: Canon .CR2, Nikon .NEF , .MRW Minolta etc see more formats 
Customizable templates for renaming files : Iphone wallpaper, PAL , NTSC, Ipod etc.. 
Webmaster tool Add your logo or watermark file 
Reduce photos size, perfect for web publishing/share photos by email 
Integrate in windows explorer or works as a stand-alone application 
Import directly from your memory cards 
Save history of destination folder 
Variable options and settings for advanced users 
Multilingual support (available languages.) 

Whats New: 
* FIXED: profile list was not refreshed when profiles were resetted 
* FIXED: when importing profiles, the overwrite prompt was shown for every profile instead of just once 
* FIXED: unit was set to percent when run from command line 
* CHANGED: when running from command line without a profile, the profile name is blank 
* ADDED: ability to select and as QuickProfiles 

DOWNLOAD LINK (crack included)

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