FULL SmartFTP Ultimate 6.0.2155.0 (download) - cracked

FULL SmartFTP Ultimate 6.0.2155.0 (download) - cracked

SmartFTP is an FTP (File Transfer Protocol), FTPS, SFTP, WebDAV, S3, Google Drive, OneDrive, SSH, Terminal client. It allows you to transfer files between your local computer and a server on the Internet. With its many basic and advanced Features SmartFTP also offers secure, reliable and efficient transfers that make it a powerful tool. 

SmartFTP can be used for: 
- Web site publishing and maintenance 
- Upload and download of images, documents, movie and music files 
- Managed file transfers. Automate file transfer processes. 
- Backup and synchronize local and remote files 

SmartFTP Ultimate Benefits: 
- Standard FTP 
- FTP over SSL/TLS (FTPS) 
- Secure connection to FTP servers. 
- Connect to SFTP servers using password or public-key based authentication. 
- Support for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning. 
- Support for Amazon's S3 simple storage service. 
- Support for Google Drive file storage service. 
- Support for Microsoft OneDrive file storage service. 
- Terminal over SSH, Telnet, Telnet over SSL/TLS. 
- Automatically resume broken or aborted transfers. 
- Verifies transfers to eliminate corrupt files. 
- Schedule transfers to run on a specific time or in a recurring manner. 
- Saves time and bandwidth by compressing files on the fly. 
- Encrypt files with AES. Use the server as an encrypted drive. 
- Receive emails when transfers complete or fail. 
- File and database logger. 
- Fully customize the look and feel of the interface. 
- Thumbnail view for local and remote images. 
- Elegant experience with modern look and feel. 
- Quickly upload files from anywhere in your computer. 
- Synchronize local with remote folders. 
- Edit remote files with any editor. 
- Upload files to several servers with one click. 
- Text editor with syntax highlighting. 
- Create scripts to fully automate SmartFTP. 
- Use LastPass or KeePass Password Safe as a credential store. 

DOWNLOAD LINK (crack included)

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